Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on October 20, 2010 by David Bogomolny
What is the Global Day of Learning? Hi Everyone, Get excited and mark your calendar! On November 7th, Pardes will join thousands around the world in a Global Day of Jewish Learning to honor Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz’ culmination of nearly five decades of groundbreaking work translating the Talmud, making it accessible to all Jewish people. Continue Reading »
Posted on September 19, 2010 by David Bogomolny
Several days ago, I had a conversation with an incoming student at Pardes, and she asked me about my feelings towards halakha & Judaism, which gave me new cause to reflect upon last year. In addition to developing practical skills in Jewish text study & Jewish traditional observance, I also spent much of last year striving Continue Reading »
Posted on February 16, 2010 by David Bogomolny
This will likely be my final note on the Pardes ’10 Poland Trip. We’ll see. Much of what I’ve reflected upon has been inspired by R. Levi Cooper, and I’m particularly appreciative of his emphasis on the wealth of Eastern European Jewish culture before the Shoah. We spent much of our final day touring the Continue Reading »
Posted on December 22, 2009 by David Bogomolny
R. Levi Cooper, my Chassidut (Chassidism) teacher, has consistently inspired me with his wisdom. I’ve heard some of my own thoughts echoed back to me in Levi’s particularly articulate and reasoned way, and other insights of his have seeded entirely new contemplations in my mind. In discussing the history of the Chassidut, RLC taught us Continue Reading »
Posted on October 26, 2009 by dbrill
So when I came to Pardes, I wanted to know what the word itself actually meant. I googled it and found that Pardes literally translates as “orchard.” Huh? Now I know this is a nice image but what does it have to do with studying Torah? Apparently quite a lot. Text study in general can Continue Reading »