Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on May 27, 2013 by Andrea Wiese
Relative to life, Hannah and I are new friends. Even though we knew each other before, we really met at the beginning of this year. I was lucky enough to room with her at the first Shabbaton of the year where I finally got the inside scoop on the engagement. (Eitan really couldn’t provide enough Continue Reading »
Posted on May 27, 2013 by David Bogomolny
I shared this dvar in honor of the Robbin Landes Family @ a 7 Brachot meal for Hannah Robbin Landes & Eitan Gavson: Dear Sheryl, Rav Landes, Isaac, Hannah and Eitan, I am so touched to have the opportunity to address the five of you directly in celebration of Hannah’s & Eitan’s marriage. Thank you. Continue Reading »