These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

Schechter School Visit!

Posted on March 5, 2012 by Andrea Wiese

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Tuesday night I drove up to Oak Brook to have dinner with Katie, Jack, and Gail at Cheese Cake Factory. I also saw Katie and Rick’s new home, which is gorgeous! Then I continued to Buffalo Grove to sleep at my cousins house to be close to the Schechter Jewish Day School that I observed yesterday.
My aunt is friends with one of the teachers there and they put me in contact with her. The teacher was so nice and organized an amazing schedule for me! I had the opportunity to see tefilla, Hebrew class, two rabbinics, two bible classes, and a social studies class.  Every teacher I met was so welcoming and excited to have an observer in their classroom! And all the teachers were excited that I am going to teach in Philadelphia!
Very frontal based seating arrangements. Very good to help these students stay focused.


Social studies classroom. I like the map of China!


Where community tefilla takes place!


Some beautiful artwork in the hallway.


Circle seating. Great for class discussion, but chavruta learning was more challenging because they weren’t facing each other. The class was discussing Hannah and her behavior.


Rabbinics! They are studying Lost Objects!!!! I knew everything!! =) Way to go Pardes! I liked this seating arrangement a lot. They are already ready for their chavruta time!
This was my first time being in a Jewish Day School, and it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! I can’t even begin to write all of the things I learned. I am so excited to get to Philadelphia and get started!! Thanks to all the faculty that made my day so successful!