Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on February 3, 2014 by Jeff Amshalem
This past week, while I was substitute teaching a halakhah class here at Pardes, I mentioned by way of introduction that as well as being a proud and very busy member of the Pardes Educators Program, I am also, in that context, a member of the Kollel here. People immediately asked, what is this Kollel Continue Reading »
Posted on October 31, 2013 by Ahava Zarembski
This is a song of gratitude and request As I flow into the next phase of life May I integrate all of the various pieces of myself May I share it with others may I share it with myself May I stand in fullness in all of the fragments That once shattered into being And Continue Reading »
Posted on September 22, 2013 by Naomi Bilmes
From my blog: The Copyist People tell me that I am brave. People tell me that what I do is scarier than a job interview or public speaking. It’s more frightening than singing karaoke in front of 15 Julliard students. It’s more terror-inducing than a claustrophobic getting into an elevator with a 360-pound football player Continue Reading »
Posted on September 16, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
From my blog: I walked out of Shul on Friday night, after Kol Nidre, feeling a little bit guilty. I beat my chest, I proclaimed the words, but I didn’t feel truly connected to sins that seemed so grand. I rattled off ashamnu, bagadnu, dibarnu dofi…., but my heart wasn’t in it. I guess I fell Continue Reading »
Posted on September 9, 2013 by Avi Benson-Goldberg
From my blog: This summer, I tried to teach Judaics to 15 year olds for 8 weeks. It was probably a failed mission from the beginning, because the last thing any 15 year old wants to do is spend an hour inside with a 24 year old authority figure, even as patently cool and with-it Continue Reading »
Posted on May 27, 2013 by David Bogomolny
I shared this dvar in honor of the Robbin Landes Family @ a 7 Brachot meal for Hannah Robbin Landes & Eitan Gavson: Dear Sheryl, Rav Landes, Isaac, Hannah and Eitan, I am so touched to have the opportunity to address the five of you directly in celebration of Hannah’s & Eitan’s marriage. Thank you. Continue Reading »
Posted on May 22, 2013 by Rabbi Julie Gordon
R. Julie Gordon (PEP ’12) recollects: Here are some of my thoughts after my experience davenning with Women of the Wall (WOW) on May 10, 2013. I was exhilarated on the day after my bat mitzvah when I learned how to lay tefillin through the wisdom and care of Bert Cooper, z”l, our Albert Lea, Continue Reading »
Posted on February 6, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
Rachel Bikofsky (Summer ’12) wrote a reflection on last week’s Parshat Hashavuah (Parshat Yitro). We could all stand to take this lesson from her book: As parshiot go, this past week’s–Yitro–was a Big One. Amid tremendous spectacle at Mt. Sinai, Hashem revealed to the Israelites the Ten Commandments. Although the rest of the Torah would not be Continue Reading »
Posted on January 7, 2013 by Shoshana Rosen
From my blog: the moment i knew i would be ok I walked across the street leaving the bench where I sat to give my feet a rest from my blisters I feel you again, that constant “what the !! are you doing next year?” as we brought the new year an hour prior, it Continue Reading »
Posted on December 20, 2012 by The Director of Digital Media
Originally posted on the Ayeka blog By Aryeh Ben David (Year ’80): Sometimes I start a workshop by asking people if they know what the word “Jew” means. It is amazing how many people do not know what it means. I checked a few encyclopedias, googled it, and was surprised to see how many theories Continue Reading »