Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on January 6, 2014 by Benjamin Friedman
Drowsy in my Wooden womb I hide myself Inside this room As Ocean wishes to Consume me– Here I’ll lie, nursing contumely Oh– How they crash upon my ears! These waves of shouts and flood of
Posted on May 9, 2013 by Hannah Perlis
פרשת במדבר Parshat Bimidbar Imagine that you are applying for a promotion at work and your dear friend gets that promotion instead of you even though you’ve worked really hard. Do you support that friend, or do you become resentful, and secretly a little jealous? In this week’s Parsha, Bimidbar, after a lengthy census, the Continue Reading »
Posted on September 27, 2012 by Kayla Higgins
This essay is cross-posted from The Jewish Daily Forward‘s April 13, 2012 issue. The article including this personal essay in The Forward was a collection of “It Gets Better” posts requested from young queer-identified Jews involved with Nehirim, a national community of LGBT Jews founded in 2004: “Jewish Enough” Kayla Higgins, 22 ‘It gets better” Continue Reading »