Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on October 10, 2012 by Heather Kantrowitz
Originally posted on Sept. 19: Hello friends and family!! I’ve finally started school, and it’s been keeping me so busy I haven’t had time to update my blog. So, here’s the past two weeks in a nutshell: 1)SO MUCH LEARNING 2)SO MANY NEW FRIENDS! School: It’s been a combination of challenging and rewarding so far. Continue Reading »
Posted on September 25, 2012 by Stuart Matan Lithwick
(Cross-posted from my blog) Hello world! This is the first post of my first ever blog on my first studymoon with the first person in my life, Annie. This first month has gone by so incredibly fast, and so much has happened, I hope I can capture at least some of it here. Jerusalem is Continue Reading »
Posted on August 28, 2012 by Andrea Wiese
יש לי סיפור ארוך. אבל תכין את עצמך כי יש לי הרבה קיטורים. כשנכנסנו לדירה שלנו לא היה דשא. אבל רצינו דשא. אחרי שמונה חודשים סוף סוף קיבלנו דשא. כשקיבלנו את הדשא, הייתי עם נפטי באירופה. אחרי עוד חודש כשנפטי הסתיים, הגעתי לביתי. והדשא גדל לגובה של הברכיים שלי! אם אתה יודע משו על כיסוח Continue Reading »
Posted on August 17, 2012 by Andrea Wiese
היום משו מצחיק קרה. באוטובוס בבוקר קארה ואני פגשנו את האיש מהשמים. מיד אהבתי אותו כשראיתי קוים בידו מתפילין. כשגמרתי קפה שלי, הוא לקח את הכוס ושם באשפה בשבילי!!! איזה גבר! אין לו סיבה, רק בגלל שהוא נחמד. מאוחר יותר, אחרי שסיימנו את הטיול בשוק מחנה יהודה, עמדנו על יד השוק העראקי. יש שם הרבה Continue Reading »
Posted on August 3, 2012 by Vicki Raun
Pardes Summer Program students Annabelle Jaffe, almost 91, and Jacqueline Cohen, almost 19, are decades apart in age and live in different parts of the globe. But they both brought to Pardes lifelong involvement with their local Jewish communities and will leave Pardes with renewed commitments to Jewish life in their hometowns. Annabelle Jaffe is Continue Reading »
Posted on June 7, 2012 by Barer
Tamar views her Jewish journey as a work in progress, or, as Zvi Hirschfield suggests, that of a Gemara sugiyah. As a child growing up in Los Angeles, she went to Hebrew school three days a week and was ‘that kid’ who loved it. Perhaps Jewish education’s emphasis on modern Hebrew at the time made Continue Reading »
Posted on March 8, 2012 by Leah Stern
Most people have never even heard the word shtender. They think I am making up a pretend word, though to my knowledge it is Yiddish. I said it recently to an Israeli friend and the closest word I could use to explain it was the word מעמד, which means a stand, but that isn’t even Continue Reading »
Posted on March 4, 2012 by Derek Kwait
When I woke up to a snowstorm this morning, I was so happy I could dance. It wasn’t just snow, it was big-flaked, sticky snow, the kind you could make snowballs out of were there enough of it, and it looked for all the world like there would be before too long. I grabbed my Continue Reading »
Posted on February 19, 2012 by Derek Kwait
(Mostly X-posted from my home blog, Yinzer in Yerushalayim) * For Tuesday’s group lecture, Robby Berman, head of the Halakhic Organ Donor Society came to give a riveting, inspiring, infuriating talk. I’ll sum it up in brief: There is no valid Jewish (or non-Jewish) reason to not save lives by being an organ donor. If Continue Reading »
Posted on February 4, 2012 by Derek Kwait
(X-posted from my home blog, Yinzer in Yerushalayim) I decided to challenge myself this semester, to fully take advantage of my time here by trying new Jewish things and getting outside my comfort zones. Since every subject of Torah has its own special jargon, world view, sources, legends, authorities, inside jokes, the result has been Continue Reading »