These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

Tag Archives: panels

The Panel

Posted on November 11, 2014 by Alana Bandos

Today at Pardes, we had a faculty panel about the conflict and two related day trips- one to Hevron and the other a tour of 3 vastly different cities (a Charedi village, secular Kibbutz, and Arab-Israeli village). On the panel sat Meir Schweiger, Rahel Berkovits, Tovah Leah Nachmani, and Daniel Roth, four incredible teachers from Continue Reading »

(PCJE) Jerusalem Diaries #10…Weekend Retreat/Shabbaton

Posted on September 28, 2014 by Ariella Siegel

From my blog: 9/22/14 (Pictures below!) This past weekend was the first shabbaton, or retreat, of the year with school. It was a really nice way of getting to know people outside of the school environment (which can be intense). Looking at our very scheduled weekend, I was concerned I wouldn’t have enough time for Continue Reading »

Two Days in Bethlehem

Posted on January 3, 2014 by Alanna Kleinman

From my blog: One week ago I spent two days in Bethlehem with a group of 15 American Jews, on a trip run by Encounter ( Immediately after the trip, I knew I had to write about it. I won’t pretend that I can accurately convey my experience in words, or share everything with you. Continue Reading »

Paying a price

Posted on April 20, 2013 by Avi Benson-Goldberg

From my blog: This week, in Israel, has been particularly focused on the costs of establishing an idealist state in a previously inhabited plot of land. I’m not trying to dig too deep into the politics of it; rather I’m interested in the idea of the prices we pay to live where we do. After Continue Reading »

Highlights from a day in the life…

Posted on April 18, 2013 by Cara Abrams-Simonton

From my blog: ד׳ באייר תשע״ג April 14, 2013 יום ראשון Yom Rishon, the first day (of the week) meaning Sunday… [I’ve decided to try to write seemingly mundane highlights for blog posts from now on since it has been so difficult for me to actually invest time in the extremely detailed descriptions I initially Continue Reading »

What is a prayer? [pt. 3 in a series]

Posted on January 28, 2013 by Avi Benson-Goldberg

(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) It’s been quite a long time since we last checked in. As you might recall, in parts one and two, we looked at what Meir and Rahel had to say about praying. The arrangement of the shiur was fascinating, because we heard first from a very capable prayer, and Continue Reading »

What is a prayer? [pt. 1 in a series]

Posted on December 19, 2012 by Avi Benson-Goldberg

(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) Pardes was rocked by a shiur clalli (public class) about prayer in the Jewish world, particularly as experienced by three of our teachers: Rahel Berkovits, James Jacobson-Maisels, and Meir Schweiger. It was certainly an honor to see these teachers of ours open themselves up and expose the real humans inside! Continue Reading »

Post-Modernity’s Footnote to Modernity

Posted on May 22, 2012 by Barer

I just had the immense privilege of watching Footnote (הערת שוליים) with some fellow Pardesniks followed by a discussion with faculty who have intimate personal knowledge of the culture being described in the film.  First, I highly recommend watching the trailer and, if you are even remotely interested, watching the movie before reading what I Continue Reading »

On Prayer

Posted on June 22, 2011 by Jeremy S.

I originally posted the following entry on my blog back in February: And going out to meet You, I found You coming toward me. -Yehuda Halevi (c. 1075-1141) It was my first shabbat in Jerusalem. After lunch I walked with a young aspiring rabbi to the Old City, in through the Jaffa Gate and down to Continue Reading »

Panel of Rabbinical Students at Pardes

Posted on March 22, 2011 by The Director of Digital Media

Happening RIGHT NOW: Panel of rabbinical students currently studying at Pardes. From Right to Left: Louis Sachs, Conservative, American Jewish University Daniel Shibley, Modern Orthodox, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Scott Roland, Post-Denominational, Hebrew College Ruhi Rubenstein, Reconstructionist, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College Stefan Tiwy, Reform, Hebrew Union College Heena Reiter, Renewal, ALEPH