Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on December 14, 2013 by Dorielle Parker
Discovering the art of Sofrut at Pardes I have always felt enchanted by shape. The coffee mug shaped perfectly for my hand. The shoes fit perfectly for my feet. The canvas built perfectly for paint. Letters curved perfectly for words. Words shaped perfectly for Creation. It is told that every Hebrew letter has a specific Continue Reading »
Posted on December 1, 2013 by Tani Cohen-Fraade
I’ve always been a Doodler. Friends, classmates and teachers would all be able to tell you how many countless hours I have spent in and out of class with a pen or pencil in my hand drawing all sorts of shapes connected with lines, tubes, arrows etc… as well as a wide assortment of trees, Continue Reading »
Posted on June 20, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
Lisa Bodziner is currently the special programs and curriculum coordinator at the Pearlstone Center. She received a Bachelor’s degree in comparative religions from the University of Wisconsin- Madison. She then lived in Israel for four years, receiving a Master’s Degree in Jewish Education from the Pardes Institude and Hebrew College; working at an Ethiopian restaurant Continue Reading »
Posted on March 31, 2013 by Eva Vadasz
Repost a blogomból Ez a bejegyzés az iskolámról, az egy éves zizilendi tartózkodásom okáról és céljáról szól. A Pardes (a szó jelentése citrus- vagy gyümölcsliget) egy olyan jesiva (héber hittudományi iskola), ahol bármilyen háttérrel rendelkezők, bármilyen irányzathoz tartozók tanulhatnak zsidóságot, bármilyen szinten. Ebben a jesivában fiúk és lányok együtt tanulnak. (Gy. k.: ez egészen rendkívüli, Continue Reading »
Posted on June 17, 2012 by The Director of Digital Media
As some of you may know, Th&Th loves Pardes alumni blogs! And when we find them, we like linking to them from the side menu of our blog… and sometimes we even get nosy enough to interview our alumni, and spotlight them here in a Th&Th blog post. So it turns out that the soferet Continue Reading »
Posted on March 30, 2011 by Zach
After my first month at Pardes, I started getting into the routine of classes, and developed a pretty good sense of how the rest of the year would look. They way we learn here is very different from the way we learn in college; in college, classes meet two or three times a week for an hour at Continue Reading »