Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on December 29, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
From my blog: Day 4: We awoke pretty early to hit the trail and get to the finish line with enough time to make some decisions about what we wanted to do for Shabbat. At this point, the hike continues in Nahal Amud until it flattens out at the start of the valley to the Kinneret. Continue Reading »
Posted on December 28, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
From my blog: A few weeks ago, an actress came to Pardes to do a kind of skit, stereotyping Four Faces of Israel, or four different people that one will inevitably encounter in Israel. She portrayed the narratives of a Haredi woman, a settler, a kibbutznik and an Arab woman. Somehow, every experience that I have, Continue Reading »
Posted on December 28, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
From my blog: A few weeks ago, an actress came to Pardes to do a kind of skit, stereotyping Four Faces of Israel, or four different people that one will inevitably encounter in Israel. She portrayed the narratives of a Haredi woman, a settler, a kibbutznik and an Arab woman. Somehow, every experience that I have, Continue Reading »
Posted on December 18, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
From my blog: I find it fascinating how quickly our lives can change, often times without us even realizing it. On top of that, how quickly we can change the lives of others, of future generations, surely without them realizing it. It’s a rainy day outside, so you take the bus to work instead of Continue Reading »
Posted on December 15, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
Alum Daniel Shibley (Year ’11, Fellows ’12) blogs about his IDF experiences: Early last week, we made our first trip to the shooting range. Winter, which had been largely absent until that point, decided to arrive. The winds picked up, spraying sand and dust onto and into everything. I had no idea that dust could Continue Reading »
Posted on December 15, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
From my blog: Day 3 | 14 km: “Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene Recap. Where did we leave off? We were sleeping at Beit Sefer Hasadeh thanks to the hesed of Meir. We set our alarms for five, hoping Continue Reading »
Posted on December 12, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
From Yishai Paquin’s (Year ’12) blog: Yes, it is snowing in Jerusalem! Yes, for my family and friends in the United States, it gets cold enough to snow in Jerusalem. Yes, it is a blessing. And yes, it may not seem like a blessing but it is. Sure it is really cold, which is tough Continue Reading »
Posted on December 12, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
This week’s PCJE dvar Torah comes from Susan Yammer, beloved teaching coach This Dvar Torah is dedicated to the memory of my mother, Nechama bat Velvel V’Aliza, on the occasion of her 13th Yahrzeit. Towards the end of our Parasha, in Bereishit 48:20, the Torah states, So he [Yaakov] blessed them on that day, saying, Continue Reading »
Posted on December 10, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
From my blog: With Chanukkah break quickly approaching, I searched for the perfect thing to do. Combine a limited budget with a week to fill and I arrived at hiking in the North – the Yam L’Yam trail to be more specific. In Hebrew, yam means sea and, thus, the hike goes from the Mediterranean Sea to Continue Reading »
Posted on December 2, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
From my blog: A video produced by The Sderot Media Center. If you watched the video, you will see that it has been edited and the events don’t occur exactly in that sequence. However, from what I heard today, the experience is not so far from the scene depicted in the video. Today, as a Continue Reading »