Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on October 12, 2012 by Heather Kantrowitz
Originally posted on my blog: Shalom friends and family! From Rosh Hashanah until Sukkot we were without internet at the house, hence the lapse in blog posts. Anyways, it’s back now (after a long and frustrating process) so I’ll try to summarize everything that’s been happening in my life in the past few weeks. 1) Continue Reading »
Posted on April 24, 2012 by aliza
We are a group of international students living in Jerusalem deeply disturbed by the racism that has recently manifested itself in a series of violent incidents involving the Beitar Jerusalem soccer fans. On March 19, hundreds of Beitar fans stormed the Malha mall in Jerusalem, violently assaulting Arab workers while chanting racist slogans including “Death Continue Reading »