These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

Tag Archives: The Negev

A Piece of the Greater Whole

Posted on December 2, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media

From my blog: A video produced by The Sderot Media Center.  If you watched the video, you will see that it has been edited and the events don’t occur exactly in that sequence. However, from what I heard today, the experience is not so far from the scene depicted in the video. Today, as a Continue Reading »

“Camping” in the Negev

Posted on November 26, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media

Photos from the Negev Tiyul

The Patriarch’s Plea, or: Abraham’s Moment of Doubt and Pain

Posted on November 11, 2013 by Benjamin Friedman

Performed on the Negev tiyulduring the Talent Show: I sat in fire with my faith I smashed the idols of my race I left the land of father’s rules To wander far and play the fool Against great doubts I had to fight All to be keep your vision bright To keep you fixed within Continue Reading »

Just a bunch of stones

Posted on November 10, 2013 by Sam Stern

From my blog: Well, angelfish, the solution to your problem is simple. The only way to get what you want is to become a human yourself. It was 1:53PM Monday afternoon as I stood outside of Pardes dialing the Jewish Agency. When the call ended 4 minutes later, I felt so distant from this country Continue Reading »

A Dvar Torah I wrote for my Synagogue:

Posted on December 28, 2012 by Laura Marder

Shabbat Shalom Pardes. I wanted to share a portion of my Dvar torah that I am giving to my Shul tonight… Shabbat Shalom,   Last week as my facebook followers know I was standing on a mountain over the dead sea welcoming the Sabbath at a meditation retreat. If I close my eyes I can Continue Reading »

Talent Show!

Posted on December 2, 2012 by Avi Benson-Goldberg

Before there was an operation that was almost a war that kept me on the edge of my seat as much as it sat in the back of my mind, we went on a tiyyul. Tiyyul is a sort of quintessentially Israeli thing. It’s not a field trip. It’s a journey somewhere, but it’s short, Continue Reading »


Posted on November 24, 2012 by Lauren Schuchart

Originally posted on my blog: “The desert, when the sun comes up… I couldn’t tell where Heaven stopped and the Earth began. It was so beautiful.” -Forrest Gump Here are some pictures from my school’s trip to the Negev desert two weeks ago. (Pictures are better quality if you click on them!) Israel, you are Continue Reading »

Gaza, the Negev, and…Australia?

Posted on November 18, 2012 by Eric Feldman

Originally posted on my blog: Hey, I’ve certainly been keeping busy over the past few weeks but I’ll hone in on this most recent week since a lot has been going on recently. The first thing I’d like to say is that, although from the media explosion through internet and TV it may seem like Continue Reading »

Going down the mountain with Sam.

Posted on November 16, 2012 by Adam L Masser

Ein Gedi, freshwater spring of legend, sanctuary of David. In the scorching desert, the Negev. In the mountains above Yam HaMelach, the Dead Sea, the burning sea of salt. Sam, falling down while climbing out of a gorge carved in a high, rocky outcropping, its steep chutes formed by the rains of a geologic epoch. Continue Reading »


Posted on November 13, 2012 by Falynn Schmidt

Originally posted on my blog: There is a particular majesty in cresting a hill and taking in the landscape: the great expanse of the Negev Desert or the sparkle of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), the Jordan River or the heights of the Golan. There is a sense of awe when your legs work in Continue Reading »