Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on January 5, 2012 by Barer
by Zach Margulies (Year Program 2010-11): One of the central tenets of liberal Judaism is that we make informed choices. The Reform movement’s mantra of “Choice through Knowledge,” even if often ignored in the Reform movement itself, is still a significant thread that runs through the liberal Jewish world, and which I strongly believe in. Even Continue Reading »
Posted on January 3, 2012 by The Director of Digital Media
She’s super… she’s duper… she’s Falynn Schmidt! Falynn studied at Pardes in 1999-2000 before moving to Atlanta, and founding Pardes Atlanta with the help of Marc Baker (97-98, 99-00 Fellow, 00-02 PEP). She coordinated all the parts that were not teaching — publicity, planning, scheduling, venue, Shabbatonim, and shiurim, and Marc and a few other Pardes alumni taught Continue Reading »
Posted on December 11, 2011 by Suzi
By Suzi Brozman You’ve seen her face, always smiling and earnest. You may have noticed her occasional parrot-hued head coverings. But I’ll bet you don’t know that the parrot motif is part of the clown persona she uses in an off-duty activity—Karen is a medical clown (more about that later!) She’s officially the Assistant to Continue Reading »
Posted on December 5, 2011 by David Bogomolny
Michael (pronounced Mee-kha-el) originally hails from Portland, Oregon, where he was the only person in the whole city who had shoulder-length payos (sidecurls), and he was often mistaken for a girl until the age of eight or nine because many people did not know what payos were. His parents, two Reform rabbis, had followed a Chassidic Continue Reading »
Posted on November 6, 2011 by The Director of Digital Media
Guest Post: Dvar Torah by Pardes Alumnus Rabbi Peter Stein The Torah is a book that explores what it means to be human. The Book of Genesis, especially, presents story after story that delves into the pain and joy and messiness of the human condition. In this week’s parshah, we read about Sarai, our ancestor, and Continue Reading »
Posted on November 1, 2011 by Aviva P.
This photo is from last year… good idea, Ben!
Posted on September 23, 2011 by Mary Brett Koplen
I originally posted this on my blog after my summer session at Pardes… and I will hopefully be studying with you all next year. I had such an amazing experience this summer, and I can’t wait to be back! In the three weeks I studied at Pardes, I learned more than I ever knew I Continue Reading »
Posted on August 22, 2011 by Bookie
Cross-posted from PresenTense: Imagine a world without hunger. Imagine a world full of clean air and lush forests. Imagine a world where the words “water shortage” don’t have a ring of truth to them. All of this is possible through changes in lifestyle which are echoed by some of the Jewish values we hold dear. Continue Reading »
Posted on July 3, 2011 by The Director of Digital Media
Alum Avigail Hurvitz-Prinz’s testimonial has been published in the San Diego Jewish World! You read it here first 🙂
Posted on June 10, 2011 by Avigail H-P
This year at Pardes, I volunteered at the Yaakov Maimon program, & I wrote 2 posts about it on my blog, which I’d like to share here: #1. volunteering. Dec. 21, 2010 in Jerusalem I have lots to learn about the Ethiopian immigration to Israel – and will likely start by reading this wikipedia article. Continue Reading »