These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

Tag Archives: LGBTQ

The Value of a “Safe Space” Sticker

Posted on August 22, 2013 by Ben Schneider

From: my blog Living in a new place surrounded by new people has given me a new appreciation of how great it is to move past the “coming out” stage with Jewish communities. Coming out with subtlety, in individual conversations, is exhausting, and when I’m around large groups of people who don’t know I’m gay Continue Reading »

[Alumni Guest Post] The Natural History of Nachas

Posted on August 14, 2013 by Falynn Schmidt

From my blog: Does any other language have a word for the particular pride we feel when someone we love does something great? I am not sure, but perhaps this is specific to the Jewish people and their languages of Yiddish and Hebrew. Nachas. It is exactly that: a word that describes in two syllables the almost Continue Reading »


Posted on June 3, 2013 by Ari Abelman

From my blog: It’s hard to believe, but my time in Israel is almost done.  Two days from now, I’ll be in the air on my way home.  And while I haven’t been the best about blogging here regularly, at the moment I feel like a little bit of reflection is in order.  I’m going Continue Reading »

Jewish Enough – an “It Gets Better” essay from a Jewish perspective

Posted on September 27, 2012 by Kayla Higgins

This essay is cross-posted from The Jewish Daily Forward‘s April 13, 2012 issue. The article including this personal essay in The Forward was a collection of “It Gets Better” posts requested from young queer-identified Jews involved with Nehirim, a national community of LGBT Jews founded in 2004: “Jewish Enough” Kayla Higgins, 22 ‘It gets better” Continue Reading »

[Student Profile] Naomi Zaslow

Posted on November 20, 2011 by Barer

Naomi grew up in a Modern Orthodox community in South Miami, where her family helped found a Young Israel. She was immersed in Judaism from a young age  – shul, day school, day camp – but rarely in a community as diverse as Pardes. It is in a Modern Orthodox community that Naomi feels most Continue Reading »

[Student Profile] Avi Strausberg

Posted on April 28, 2011 by David Bogomolny

After graduating from Northwestern University in 2005 with a major in theater, Avi Strausberg (2010-2011) started a non-profit theater company called the ‘Hometown Theater Project’, and continued acting and directing in Chicago for nearly three years before she found herself becoming antsy. “I wanted to be some place beautiful, and I became interested in organic Continue Reading »