Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on May 24, 2013 by Naomi Bilmes
From my blog: The most challenging course I am taking at Pardes is called “Critical Issues in Modern Jewish Thought.” There is no Hebrew involved. There is no Aramaic. I don’t even have to memorize birth and death dates of famous Jewish thinkers. What I do have to do, however, is think for myself. And Continue Reading »
Posted on March 6, 2013 by Naomi Bilmes
From my blog: I am presently having an odd experience of disconnect. The premise is this: Bad things keep happening to me. In the grand scheme of life, they are not terrible things: no death, no serious illness, no natural disasters. But sometimes the little things seem even more powerful, especially in a world of Continue Reading »
Posted on February 25, 2013 by Stuart Matan Lithwick
Hello everybody! Here is the script for the great Canadian Purim shpiel that I put on, along with all of my other fellow Canucks, this year! Enjoy đ Stuart Who is a true Canadian? Cast Members: Stuart Matan Lithwick, Annie Matan Gilbert, Daniella Adler, Rachel Rosenbluth, Cait Power, Ruth Wicks, Avi Spodek, Derek Kwait, and Continue Reading »
Posted on February 24, 2013 by Naomi Bilmes
From my blog: Sometimes, a simple touch can make all the difference. In the Jewish world, some girls don’t touch boys. Some girls touch some boys. Some girls touch only one boy, and everyone hugs their mother. As a part of this world, I have become especially attuned to the presence and absence of human Continue Reading »
Posted on April 24, 2012 by Leah Stern
My life in Israel this year has been amazing. I’ve been so lucky to make new friends, learn new things, and experience everything that is Israel. Most of my day is spent at Pardes, where I’ve had to opportunity to learn with faculty and peers about everything Jewish, from the tefillot in the siddur to Continue Reading »
Posted on April 12, 2012 by David Bogomolny
Rob Murstein comes from a âvery liturgicalâ family; they attend Shabbat services every Friday evening, Saturday morning, and Saturday afternoon until havdalah. Robâs father is a regular Torah reader at shul, his brother studied chazzanut with their cantor, and Rob himself read Torah at shul for the first time when he was six years old; and then again at Continue Reading »
Posted on April 28, 2011 by David Bogomolny
After graduating from Northwestern University in 2005 with a major in theater, Avi Strausberg (2010-2011) started a non-profit theater company called the ‘Hometown Theater Project’, and continued acting and directing in Chicago for nearly three years before she found herself becoming antsy. “I wanted to be some place beautiful, and I became interested in organic Continue Reading »
Posted on March 1, 2011 by Avi Strausberg
in this weekâs parsha, פק×××, the ×׊×× is finally built. thanks to the work of bezalel and his team of craftsmen, the tabernacle, the priestly clothing, and all of their accoutrements are constructed exactly as God commanded through moshe. God then instructs moshe to set up the ×׊×× on the 1st of the 1st month, Continue Reading »
Posted on March 1, 2011 by David Bogomolny
Samahra (Spring ’11) first found the words to describe her passion for ‘bridging communities’ as a York University student upon receiving the annual ‘Partnership and Outreach’ award from UJA and Hillel of Greater Toronto for activism as Hillel ‘Tzedek’ Chair. After completing her B.A. Honors in theater and B.Ed. in education, Samahra continued to pursue cross-cultural education as the Education and Continue Reading »