Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on December 27, 2013 by Naomi Bilmes
From my blog: On Tuesday night, I went to Bethlehem. Growing up in America, all I saw of Christmas were signs reading “Buy One get One FREE” and “Sale: 70% mark down! 5-7am only!!” All I saw was consumerism and a huge traffic jam outside of the church. But this year I’m in the Middle Continue Reading »
Posted on December 25, 2013 by Alana Bandos
Together in Paris. That’s what Anastasia’s grandmother says to her before their family is torn apart in the hit animated feature film Anastasia (which is not actually a Disney movie). It’s on the necklace the young girl wears through to adulthood and it helps her reclaim her true identity as heir to the Russian throne. Continue Reading »
Posted on November 20, 2013 by Elana Shilling
Posted on November 18, 2013 by Nataliya Naydorf
It was odd telling family and friends back home that I was excited to go to a Brit Milah. “I just can’t wait to witness a circumcision!” never seems to resonate well with most people for some reason. In truth, while I was excited, I was also apprehensive. Prior to the ceremony, our Chumash Level Continue Reading »
Posted on October 25, 2013 by Naomi Bilmes
(Read it on my blog) A Haredi, a kibbutznik, and a Muslim walk into a bar. (beat) Mashiach comes!! Well, I don’t know what would actually happen; I never actually saw the three of them in the same room at the same time. And now for some context: This Tuesday, I went on a tiyul with Continue Reading »
Posted on October 9, 2013 by Hannah Joy
From my blog: Some more of my observations, now that I’ve been here for about a month and a half: Only in Israel… Would the entire country (including the airport) shut down on Yom Kippur, and the streets be empty of cars, but full of people dressed in white walking to synagogue, and bikers enjoying Continue Reading »
Posted on September 23, 2013 by Candace Mittel
About Jerusalem Medley Odalia I am from Beit Shemesh. Twenty minutes away from Jerusalem. You are invited to come and see. She is very nice city. The people there… very, very… heart persons. Lovely. I come to Jerusalem a lot. I love this place because when I was teenager I was here a lot with Continue Reading »
Posted on September 9, 2013 by Avi Benson-Goldberg
From my blog: This summer, I tried to teach Judaics to 15 year olds for 8 weeks. It was probably a failed mission from the beginning, because the last thing any 15 year old wants to do is spend an hour inside with a 24 year old authority figure, even as patently cool and with-it Continue Reading »
Posted on June 17, 2013 by Aliza Geller
I don’t mean that I got home and things were different, they were but I’l get to that a little later. This summer I am working at Emma Kaufmann Camp, in Morgantown West Virginia. This is the camp affiliated with the JCC of Pittsburgh, and I have two second cousins who attended. Blue Ridge Mountains? Continue Reading »
Posted on June 12, 2013 by Naomi Bilmes
From my blog: Forty-eight hours ago, I was in a different country. And no, I did not drive across the border from Mexico to Texas. During the past few weeks, I’ve done a lot of personal journaling, because a lot of what’s happened is just that – very personal. Consequently, less has ended up on Continue Reading »